Monday: Reading-day, many interesting articles from Chinese researchers, and also from some well known german experts in waste management. Later in the afternoon i started searching/reading about the Approved Methodologies related to Landfill gas (LFG) project activities. (under the Clean Development Mechanism approach of the Kyoto Protocol). Actually it is all about the ACM0001 (Approved Consolidated Methodology) which includes the approved methodologies number 2, 3, 10 and 11.
The applicability is given in this cases: [UNFCCC]
This methodology is applicable to landfill gas capture project activities, where the baseline scenario is the partial or total atmospheric release of the gas and the project activities include situations such as:
a) The captured gas is flared; or
b) The captured gas is used to produce energy (e.g. electricity/thermal energy), but no emission
reductions are claimed for displacing or avoiding energy from other sources;
c) The captured gas is used to produce energy (e.g. electricity/thermal energy), and emission
reductions are claimed for displacing or avoiding energy generation from other sources.
I also took the opportunity to briefly check the Carbon Expo presentations from 2006 and 2007. Need to go back to this later someday.
Anyway, i also started to make some thoughts about the second part of the work, which first will need an analysis of Sy in its urban, social and economical structure. Will definitely need some help with this.
After dinner with the colleagues (today i tried the steamed bred!), we went for a walk around the campus. Nice, and, as they said, really empty. Let´s see how does it look like in 3 weeks....Made some pics. ........
Back to the lab, upset because the trick with the zeros together with my normal 4 numbers password didn't work, no idea what to do now. I guess i can only try another bank, maybe one where i can go to the counter.
I was showed how the CH4 content measurements work, and also the computer monitoring of the anaerobic digesters. Nice nice! Also started collecting maps of Sy, with the help of Mr. Luo. So, late now, have to go! Did i tell you that they close the door of our residence at 10.30pm, and we don´t have any key! Ha, i was also told that they turn the lights off at 11pm, but i never noticed! ;-)
Tomorrow will finally meet Prof. Raninger, and will try to solve the 2 problems, first one with internet access in my room, and with the money!