Once upon a time, in my first studies (Materials Engineering) I focused on subjects about polymers (structure, properties, characterization, production). Polymers are not only about
"plastic", there is much more involved around this class of natural and synthetic material. Polymers are, indeed, fascinating (well, all materials are fascinating...)
Their application and use is everywhere, probably many people would say, it is not possible to live without polymers.
However, there is one special kind of polymeric material causing a great damage to the environment, because of its wide use. Plastic films used for manufacturing bags, used for transporting and containing goods (mostly food). These material, because of its already low/restrict properties is, in general, not suitable for recycling (material recovery). The reuse option is given (e.g use the bags for toilet bins), but the amount generated is much higher then the demand for reusing.
Because of their low density, they are responsible for increasing the volume of waste being generated in our society. A common fact in developing countries in the large use and undiscriminated disposal of plastic bags.(So called "plastification" of landscapes). Since the environmental awareness is anyway low in this countries, people just litter these bags everywhere. The decomposition time of these films is low (hundreds of years), and eventhough
the approach of using biodegradable materials is an option (price is high, low market share), there is still a really big problem to be solved in what concerns the amount of plastic bags being generated worldwide.
Chinese people also would say they cannot live without polymers, especially plastic bags. For me the most striking situation here is to see people carrying their take-away food inside this bags, all the time, everything, even soup. At the university restaurant first they take the rice in one small bag, then each of the dishes in another one, then the bread, and so on. (if you ask why there are no other more appropriate plastic recipients for transporting the food, the answer is, it is because it is expensive, and its ok so, since its use would also mean more resources use and, at the end, resource waste as well). So, after a first sorting analysis of the waste generated by the students, it is estimated that, by volume, at least one third of the amount comprise plastic bags.
What to do about it?
One option would be the energy recovery, but for that bags would have to be source separated and some additional steps (cleaning/drying) would be need before they could be used, e.g, as RDF, or even recycled.
The waste hierarchy is clear - reduction! That is what i do everyday:
- Use my trendy fabric bag for carrying supplies. People at the supermarket always look at me as if i were from another planet, when i refuse the plastic bags. The tellers at the counter always talk about me, and they even call other people to show "the girl who does not like plastic bags". I just wish i could explain them why i do this, but at least they get the chance to think about it.
- I always have some Tupperware with me, especially when i know i will get some take-away food. The same happens here, people staring and laughing at me when i order and give them the recipient.....
What else could i do, more than giving my example? My plan would be, actually, if I was to prepare a Waste Management Concept for the entire university, propose some changes. Everybody should just pay maybe 0.1 Yuan for plastic bags (this is the selling price for the bottles), everywhere. Unfortunately it is the only way to achieve some changes: to make people think about ways of saving money. The university could merchandise
fabric bags, Tupperware and cups. Corporate identity! There would also be a visible reduction in waste amount/volume to be disposed of, meaning economical and environmental benefits.
And everybody would live happy forever! ;-)