I seriously have to be less soul and more reason soon. Too much philosophy is also not good, said the doctor. Am I Homesick? "Tomorrow will take care of itself".
"I am not arguing that with you!" (From the movie Joe versus the Volcano, liked a lot)
Finally got the DATA i need to analyze, so, let us go, work and work. By the way, i got a job offer the other day. Quite interesting: just because i was giving them some ideas and hints, they offered me to be a co-manager of this place The American Pie. Hey, do i ever dreamed about having such a job? ;-)
Anyway, i just wanted to optimize their cash flow, and if had the time, i would like to organize/create a database for the almost 7000 movies they have. Well, this would be really interesting, since i love movies, but i guess Waste Management is a more urgent question right here right now!!!!! :-P
Yesterday (Sunday) was an interesting day, we went shopping! With Steve and Martin @ DVD´s paradise. It is quite well hidden in a huge electronics store. 5th floor, i should remember that. Got like some 120 of them, and next time i just have to be more patient while choosing. After 1 hour there, you just wanna go out. Well, i bought a Martin Scorsese and Wim Wenders Collection, and many precious things i always wanted and many i´ve never heard about.... :-P
!!!! One has to stop sleeping to do work, learn Chinese, AND watch movies. No time at all!. hum......(and do sightseeing, and write this blog.....i need another one of me.......as everybody does, i guess.....)
So Saturday was also very nice, spent the day with my Prof.s family, and i just felt in love with his daughter, she is amazing. We visited interesting places, for example a nice restaurant (so here we are, eating again...) in old farm stile.